Pregnant and crazy cravings? No biggie but beware of endocrine disruptors!

Heating food in plastic containers or wearing new clothes without washing them first: we’ve all done it, right? But did you know that these habits can affect our hormonal balance, especially with women who are or want to be pregnant?

To better protect future mums and their babies against harmful substances, The Oval Office developed an awareness campaign on endocrine disruptors for the FPS Public Health in conjunction with the regions and communities.

Nesting instinct and shopping addiction

Sometimes during pregnancy it can feel as if hormones are in control of your body. From an inexplicable craving for gherkins, a shopping basket full of pregnancy clothes and cute baby outfits to a compulsion to perfect your house down to the smallest detail, hormones take mothers-to-be on a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences. 

The Oval Office leverages these recognisable ‘hormonal’ moments to raise awareness of the often unknown endocrine disruptors. Exposing the threat increases awareness among pregnant women of the hidden risks of endocrine disruptors.

For this campaign The Oval Office created a playful visual style that allows for the exaggeration of hormonal quirks while linking them to concrete tips to boost awareness. Simple and easy to understand.

The campaign primarily targets online channels through two campaign videos, a series of visuals and content on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest. The campaign is further distributed through the partnership with the regions and communities, which also share the online posts. Posters and postcards are available for medical practices, hospitals, consulting agencies and health insurance funds.


Client: FPS Public Health

Contact: Jona De Leye, Communication Product Policy and Chemical Agents – DG Environment

Agency: The Oval Office

Account Team: Line Reynaert, Eva Verhofstadt, Janne Roelen

Strategy: Marijke Dubois

Creative Director: Sébastien Van Reet

Creation: Evy Donse, Roel Craen

Graphic Design: Jon Troch, Yanina Suykens, Maurice Calle

Illustration: Naydine Bosman

3D Design: Rabbit Hole

Media: Egon Buyck



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