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Awareness campaign against phishing

October is European Cybersecurity Month, and every year, Belgium's Centre for Cybersecurity rolls out a dynamic awareness campaign to keep the public on high alert. This time OVAL came up with a sharp insight: cybercriminals thrive on the fact that people rarely double-check URLs. A subtle extra dot or a minor misspelling often goes unnoticed — and that's exactly what they count on. The message? The devil’s in the details. And that became the heart of our campaign.

We kicked things off with a bold live activation at a press conference in Brussels. Staying true to our campaign tagline, 'the devil’s in the details,' we added a twist: a life-size URL for was subtly off by just one letter. But the real surprise came when a ‘phisher’ hidden within the scene suddenly sprang to life, freerunning through the crowd and leaving everyone stunned.

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